@ photo basel 2022
Anita Neugebauer (1916-2012) founded Switzerland’s first photo gallery in 1976 and devoted herself to the mediation of international and national photography. With her gallery, exhibition and collecting activities, she became an important pioneer for the continuing development of photography in Switzerland. With the exhibition Anita’s Point of View, photo basel is dedicating a homage to the person who has done so much for Swiss photography.
In collaboration with Claudia Neugebauer and photo basel, and curated by Alessa Widmer, we endeavored to provide an intimate glimpse into the world of Anita Neugebauer. The purpose of this homage is not to show photographs relating to a particular theme or selected time period, but rather to convey Anita Neugebauer’s view of photography and her joy and passion towards the medium and therefore presenting Anita’s Point of View.